Monday, September 21, 2009


Today is as good a day as any human being can have. Spent the day with good friends drinking wine, exploring our gardens, practicing my short game by the pool and laughing ...Alot.Justify Full

Everyday I give thanks...I remember how lucky I am to be able to enjoy such a well designed life. A guy couldn't have it any better...Really. Doors have opened up that allow me to achieve almost complete freedom. It seems doors are always opening up as if by chance. Don't ask me because I almost don't know how it happened. I willed it and slowly but surely things started falling into place. One day I woke up and there it was....A perfectly designed life...Perfect in it's imperfection...Just how I like it.

I write, I make movies, I conceptualize, I trade, I chart (everything from stock and futures valuations, to stories, to my own life....I love graphs and when I was on my deathbed two years ago I thought of them and they brought me comfort.) I also love clearly written directions. I just became a professional swimming pool maintenance person by reading the inserted directions in the kit. I know...Exciting.

I make things grow and have the good fortune to be able to explore what I don't understand. Cooking, shamanism, you name it...If I dig it...I'll dig it out and throw it under the microscope.

My new passion is woodworking.... Whittling knobs... Hehe.... I always have new passions and am strung along by them on a daily, hourly and minute by minute basis. People like to say I'm a passion junky (not really...they don't call me a a passion junky...I call myself that....they call me obsessed, fixated...they say I have attention deficit, bipolar and sometimes they just straight up call me crazy but perception is everything so all I'm hearing is how passionate I am about so many things.

Regardless, I wake up and go to sleep when I want. Mornings: I farm and tend to the garden. I think up at least one grand idea daily. My boss resides and runs the Universe so he's pretty lax with his demands on my schedule although my understanding is that eventually I will have to go work for him full time right now he's given me complete sovereignty.

I've been lucky enough to surround myself with an elite class family. And lots of good women in my life to let me peek out of my testosterone fueled madness.

Women make it all better, man. Everything. They're better designed. Smarter. Curvier. They carry live humans inside them at times and let's face it they're a hell of a lot better to look at. They really should run more nations.

I've also come to know many brainiacs, athletes, artists, musicians.... they are my best friends.

I have loose plans for expanding and starting a global movement once I decide what it will stand for.

This was the "I" portion of my blog since it was the first one. It was to act as an introduction into the singular vision of it's author rather than a personal propaganda announcement. I like the word singular and coupled with vision it makes me sound way more interesting.... so....Im seeing double at 6am and have to go to sleep.

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